Некоммерческая организация «Ассоциация инклюзивных вузов»


Select the University you need

Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University

Education University for the concerned people. Teachers and students are ready to change the life of society for the better. They strive to solve social problems and help the most vulnerable groups of the population. The doors of the University are always open for students with disabilities.

Address: 29 Sretenka street, Moscow, 127051

FGBOU VO “Cherepovets state University»

Cherepovets University is a member of the Eurasian Association of universities, which unites leading classical universities in Russia and abroad. It consists of six institutes, including the Business school and the Faculty of biology and human health.

Address: 162600, Lunacharsky Ave., 5, Cherepovets, Vologda region.

Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University

Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) is a University with rich traditions: the teachers ' Institute was founded in our city in 1911, and three — quarters of teachers in the Nizhny Novgorod region are our graduates.

Address: Ulyanova str., 1, Nizhny Novgorod

Tyumen state University

Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education "Tyumen state University" is a non-profit organization established to achieve educational, scientific, social, cultural goals, to meet the spiritual and other non-commercial needs of citizens in education, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public goods.

Address: 625007 c. Tyumen, proezd May 9

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